Tight Shins and Foot Pain gone: Rebecca
Rebecca came to me after trying lots of different things to relieve tension in her shins and pain in her left arch that wouldn’t go away. She was massaging her shins every night with the hopes that they would relax. Ever since childhood she was told she had flat feet and was given special insoles to help them. Currently she was unable to walk long distances without the discomfort coming back.
When I saw her I noticed her feet had some patterns both while at rest and while moving that contributed to shin tension and foot pain. At rest she had most of her weight on the outside and back of her right foot and was missing pressure under her left big toe knuckle. When she put weight on her left foot when she walked she wasn’t letting her foot relax so her arch could flatten towards the ground. She also gripped her toes and her heel came up too quickly. Put together her left foot wasn’t pronating.
Over three visits I helped Rebecca:
-get weight evenly distributed around her right foot by teaching her to lift her arches while straightening her knee correctly,
-move a stuck bone on the outside of her right leg so she could move her foot better,
-to fully get weight on her left foot so it can do a full pronation and
-clean up some of the movements in her pelvis, hips, spine and ribs.
By her last visit she was thrilled that she can go on long walks without tight shins or foot pain, she can walk the dog for as long as she wants and she has the right exercises to stop any of her aches and pains from coming back. She left the office grinning widely and telling me she already wants her loved ones to come see me for their mystery pains.